My Story – Hobby turning into business


My story–Hobby turning into business

What motivated you to start your business?

I have always desired to create businesses that can hire others. This, I believe is a good way to touch the lives of people. As a result, I did not take second thoughts turning my Beading and Sewing hobby into a business. I love to use my hands to create beautiful things.

Tell us about your business?

I have two businesses; “Eterno African Collections” and “Mbows African Bowties.” Eterno African Collections produces and sells beads such as necklaces, bracelets, bags, purse, slippers and tissue boxes among others. Mbows African Bowties designs magnificent men accessories including bowties, neckties and suspenders. These are handmade and beautifully packaged in Ghana and can be customized to suit the fashion needs of the customer.

What were the first and few steps you took to get your business up and running?

I changed my hobby of Beading and Sewing for friends and family to a business. I got all the needed items to put me in business.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness of your business and getting new customers?

By informing people about what I do, wearing and using my products and social media promotion. Clients get satisfied and happy with my work, which also wins me referrals.

What has been your biggest challenge so far running the business?

My biggest challenge like many others is funding. The funds for promoting and marketing the business.

How did you overcome this challenge?

I leverage on less expensive social media promotion offers and get friends and families to share my product posts.

What do you love about running your own business?

It gives me the freedom to be myself and also offer me the opportunity to have time for my family.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I love what I do and that is enough motivation to keep me going.

Advice to other entrepreneurs.

Love what you do, socialize with and learn from other entrepreneurs.

“Everything is possible if you just believe in yourself”



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Comment (1)
  1. Diving Cyprus 5 years ago

    I hope that you won’t stop writing such interesting articles. I’m waiting for more of your content. It’s so good that i’m going follow you!

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