6 Tips to Feel Inspired Again When You Have Lost Motivation


It can be hard when you can feel your motivation levels dropping, you might not engage in the activities that make you happy anymore, and you can feel as though you have lost the passion you once had. These tips can help you to feel inspired again when it feels as though all motivation is gone.

  • Remember

A crucial part of losing motivation is forgetting why you were passionate in the first place. When you can start to remember why you were passionate, you can begin to feel it again. The reason behind doing things needs to be strong enough to motivate you, and if you forget that reason, you can become very unmotivated.

  • Visualise

A meaningful way to regain motivation is to visualize yourself succeeding; this is important as it is the key to your success. If you can envision yourself succeeding, you are far more likely to grow and be motivated to do so. Another effective tool is to visualize yourself not trying and how much you will regret it; this can help you feel motivated again and driven to succeed.

  • Surroundings

It is a commonly known fact that a person’s surroundings can significantly impact their motivation and happiness levels. If you are surrounding yourself with negative people, the chances are that you will feel negative about yourself. With this being said, this is why it is essential to surround yourself solely with positive energy, whether that be the workspace you’re in or the people around you. Positivity is key.

  • Physiology

When you lack motivation, your physiology changes, your body language reflects your mental state, leading to your body language being hunched over, limp, and generally downbeat. If you lack motivation, it is essential to change your physiology, which will impact your brain and help you feel more motivated. Ensuring you hold yourself with the correct posture and body language can trick your brain and, in turn, make you feel more motivated.

  • Tools

There are tools out there to help people when they lack motivation, and it is essential to utilize these as they can help. Reading an inspiring book each day can help to motivate you and encourage your brain to want to do productive things with your time. It would help if you learned not to overlook these helpful tools as they can be beneficial when appreciated.

  • Dream

It is crucial that you look forward to your dreams and start small and work from there. You must begin working towards your dream now and start with small steps to achieve it. Don’t put off making positive changes, as the sooner you start, the sooner you will reach your dream goal.

I hope you feel inspired again.

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